Ash Veterinary Clinic



Why Dog & Cat Bites Occur

Posted by on Mar 20, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

            In our business, we deal with dogs and cats every day. We learn to read their body language and how to tell when it is ok to approach them. We want everyone to be aware of the reasons why dog and cat bites occur and what to do to avoid them. Sometimes when someone first sees a dog or cat, they run right up to pet it. This can be very startling for an animal and may cause them to go on the defensive. They become scared and their first instinct is to back off, run away and/or hide. In certain situations, it is not possible for the...

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Posted by on Mar 4, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

Some pet owners think that it is easier taking care of cats than dogs. It is true in some aspects, like not having to walk your cat outside to go to the bathroom. Some people however think that all a cat needs is some food. We want to inform you about the top ten mistakes that cat owners make, so that you and your feline can have the best relationship possible. 1. Hand Play: Lots of owners with new kittens get caught up and use their hands for toys– batting at them, letting the kitten chew on their fingers, etc. Find an acceptable substitute...

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Posted by on Feb 18, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

              Accidental pet poisonings are on the rise and some of the most common are from human medication. Have you ever taken your daily medication and dropped a pill on the floor? When that happens your pet is usually right there waiting to pick it up. We at Ash Veterinary Clinic want to make you aware that certain everyday medications can make your pet very ill and can even cause death.             Ibuprofen and naproxen are called NSAIDs, which stands for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are the most common cause of pet...

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Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Posted by on Feb 11, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

Of course, February is not the only month you should be concerned about your pet’s oral care, but it is a time for us to bring attention to such an important part of your pet’s health. What would happen if you stopped brushing your own teeth altogether? Even if you only ate hard food, as most dogs do, there still would be problems such as bacteria and tartar which lead to bad breath. Like humans, it is recommended to brush your dog’s teeth twice daily. Here at Ash Veterinary Clinic, we understand that brushing your dog’s teeth even once...

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Posted by on Feb 4, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

Root canals, dental x-rays, orthodontics, crowns, caps, implants, and periodontal surgery for pets? You must be kidding! Not at all. Dental procedures are performed daily in veterinary practices and taking care of your pet’s teeth at home may be easier than you think. At Ash Veterinary Clinic, we want to make sure you know how to keep your furry family member’s teeth white, healthy and smelling great! Examination is the key to diagnosis and helps determine the health of your pet’s teeth and mouth. A pet owner can help by examining their...

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8 Things to Never Feed Your Cat or Dog

Posted by on Jan 28, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

  It is common knowledge that animals can become very sick from chocolate, but did you know that there are many more common foods that are toxic to animals like gum, avocados, grapes, some nuts, etc. Many people think that dogs and cats can eat what humans eat. We often do not think twice about giving them a bite of our cookie or worry too much when they scavenge for food. The problem is that dogs and cats do not metabolize foods the same way we do, and many of the foods we eat are dangerous for them. These are the eight most harmful foods to...

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Posted by on Jan 21, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

 In the summer months, many stories are written about potentially fatal consequences of leaving dogs inside hot cars or barns. Leaving a dog outside and exposed to cold weather for long periods of time in the winter can be just as dangerous.  During this time of the year, people do not realize that if you are cold outside, your dog is probably cold, too. Last week we covered information on how to keep your outdoor cat safe during the winter, so this week, we are going to focus on the dogs. Cold weather can put a significant amount of stress...

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Posted by on Jan 14, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

With all the frosty mornings of late, I worry about the cats that live outside. Yes, outdoor cats are resourceful. They basically know how to take care of themselves, with little to no help from humans. Yet, during the winter time, these outdoor cats will need extra help from their human friends to make it through the long winter months, especially during those spells of cold artic blasts and snowfalls. Even with their fur coats, outdoor cats need protection from the elements, preferably a warm and dry place to sleep. This is why feral cat...

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Winter Pet Paw Care

Posted by on Jan 8, 2019 in Blog | 0 comments

Winter boots are essential wear for people to provide traction and protection on snow and ice. Likewise, our pets need special care and attention for their feet during harsh weather too. Those fancy pet booties are not just a fashion statement! They can be very protective if your pet will keep them on, that is. Here at Ash Veterinary Clinic, we want owners to know how to minimize injury and discomfort for their pets’ paws and be aware of other winter dangers, too.                  If your pet is going on a walk or hike in snowy areas,...

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Holiday Gluttony

Posted by on Dec 17, 2018 in Blog | 0 comments

We have come to that magical time of year. To help make your holiday festive and safe, we want to share some of the holiday hazards that can cause you unneeded stress and trips to the veterinary emergency room.   With a little awareness, you can prevent some holiday hazards from stealing your joy. Most holiday pet hazards revolve around food and many owners share bits of food with their pet that is sometimes to their detriment. Just like us, when a dog or cat eats some of this yummy food, they can get an upset tummy. Many things can cause...

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[4:06:25 PM] Dianne Raftopoulos: