Beauty is more than skin-deep when it comes to your dog. Allowing our qualified and compassionate veterinary staff keep your pet well-groomed not only gives you a clean-smelling companion, but it also helps keep your pet more comfortable and allows you to spot health problems before they become serious. Regular grooming by a highly trained veterinary staff member keeps your pet comfortable while clearing such things as mats, burrs and ticks from the coat. For some breeds, grooming is very involved. Breeds such as Collies, Chows, Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes are “double-coated,” which means they have a downy undercoat underneath harsher long hair. The down can mat like a layer of felt against the skin if left untended. Silky-coated dogs such as Afghan hounds, Cocker Spaniels and Maltese also need constant brushing and regular trips to the grooming staff to keep tangles from forming. Curly and wiry coats, such as those on Poodles and Terriers, need to be brushed weekly. Proper grooming is more than keeping your pet looking beautiful and clean-smelling, although that is certainly one of the pleasant pay-offs. A coat free of mats, burrs and tangles, and skin free of fleas and ticks, are as comfortable to your dog as clean clothes fresh from the wash are to you. It just makes you feel good, and the effect is the same for your pet. Our employees at Ash Veterinary Clinic are fully trained to handle all breeds of dogs and cats and always groom under a doctor’s supervision. That way, if there are any abnormalities noticed, we always have a fully trained veterinary staff available for treatment. Please call the veterinary extraordinaires at Ash Veterinary Clinic to schedule your pet’s grooming appointment today.