Ash Veterinary Clinic


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Why is My Pet Shedding?

Spring, for many people, is the beginning of good things to come. We look forward to more sunshine, nicer weather, picnics and fun.

What we don’t look forward to is picking up tons of hair from our shedding pets. No matter what breed or kind of pet you have, shedding is a normal daily event, and in areas that have seasons, pets “blow their coat” starting in spring.

            Shedding is a continuous process. Pets lose their winter coats in the spring when it is replaced by a shorter, lighter one. In the fall, this cycle is reversed, as the summer coat is shed to make room for heavy protective hair for winter. Most people don’t notice this process like they do in spring because the hair is lighter and not as thick, so it doesn’t come out in clumps as the winter coat does.

            The amount your pet sheds is also influenced by the amount of daylight they receive. Outdoor pets shed more than strictly indoor pets because they are exposed to more daylight. However, indoor pets still shed, but it is more consistent and in lesser amounts.

Other factors that determine the amount of shedding are stress, illness and breed. Stress and illnesses can increase shedding. Some breeds like poodles, bichons and Chinese Crested dogs are known for minimal shedding.

There are some things you can do to help ease the burden of a shedding pet. All shedders can be tamed by a regular schedule of bathing and brushing. Brush the hair in the direction that the coat grows.

The most helpful and beneficial thing you can do all around for your pet is to feed a high-quality pet food with quality fatty acids (omega-3, omega-5), vitamins and protein. Low quality dog foods will make your pet’s coat dry, brittle and itchy.

 I advise my clients to feed only a food that complies with The Associations of American Feed Control Officials, which is a voluntary group that guarantees the quality, origin and process of making food. Ask your veterinary for his or her personal favorites.  

Pets shed. It’s normal. Nothing will change that and don’t be fooled by “magic” sprays, shampoos or gimmicks that claim to stop shedding. On the other hand, if your pet is shedding excessively, all of a sudden is thinning or balding in areas, you need to see a vet.

 In general, anything that occurs that is not a normal behavior for your pet is a good reason to take your pet to a veterinarian that has the ability to run tests, if necessary, so your loved one can be diagnosed and treated.

Here at Ash Veterinary Clinic, we offer grooming, comb-outs and Bath & Brush specials. Feel free to call us at 734-782-2827, email or visit


Dr. Toinette Strusinski-Broschay is the owner of Ash Veterinary Clinic in Carleton.

[4:06:25 PM] Dianne Raftopoulos: